
7000TD Position Sensor: Real time Monitoring Expert in Turbine Control System

7000TD Position Sensor: Real time Monitoring Expert in Turbine Control System

In the world of steam turbines, precise control of the actuator is key to ensuring stable operation of the unit. To achieve this goal, the 7000TD displacement sensor is like a skilled observer, constantly monitoring every tiny movement of the actuator. Let’s take a deeper look at how the 7000TD sensor is integrated into the control system of the steam turbine and becomes a master at real-time monitoring of the position of the actuator.

LVDT Position Sensor ZDET-200B (4)

First, let’s talk about the job of the 7000TD displacement sensor. It is a linear variable displacement sensor that is specifically designed to measure the linear displacement of an object. In the field of steam turbines, its main task is to monitor the opening changes of the actuator, which directly affects the flow of steam into the steam turbine, and then determines the speed and power output of the steam turbine.


The installation of the 7000TD position sensor is quite straightforward. It is generally fixed near the actuator of the steam turbine, and the active part of the sensor (such as the probe or magnetic core) is connected to the moving part of the actuator. When the actuator moves due to the control system command, the active part of the 7000TD sensor will also move, and this displacement will be converted into an electrical signal by the sensor.


Next, it’s the turn of the control system. The control system of a steam turbine, such as the Digital Electro-Hydraulic Control System (DEH), is an intelligent brain that integrates various sensors, actuators and processors. The electrical signals generated by the 7000TD sensor are directly transmitted to the input module of the control system through dedicated cables or wireless communication.

LVDT Position Sensor HTD-100-3 (6)

When the control system receives the signal from the 7000TD position sensor, it starts to get busy. It first converts the electrical signal into a digital signal, and then uses the built-in algorithm to analyze the data to obtain the actual position of the hydraulic motor. This position information is compared with the preset target value to determine whether the hydraulic motor moves correctly according to the command.


If the position of the hydraulic motor deviates from the set value, the control system will take quick action. It sends an adjustment signal to the hydraulic motor through the electro-hydraulic converter (EH) to adjust the position of the hydraulic motor until the actual position matches the target value. The whole process is fast and continuous, ensuring that the operating status of the steam turbine is always at the optimal level.


To ensure the accuracy of monitoring, the 7000TD sensor is designed with durability and stability in mind. It can work continuously in harsh environments such as high temperature and vibration without external interference. At the same time, the output signal of the sensor usually has good linearity and resolution, which means that even small changes in the actuator can be captured and accurately reported.

LVDT displacement Sensor 2000TD (6)

In addition, the 7000TD position sensor can work with other monitoring systems, such as the turbine monitoring system (TSI). The TSI system collects turbine operating data through a variety of sensors, including temperature, pressure, vibration, etc., combined with the actuator position information provided by the 7000TD sensor, to comprehensively evaluate the health of the turbine and detect potential problems in time.


Finally, the integration of the 7000TD position sensor is not a one-time thing. Regular calibration and maintenance are necessary to ensure the accuracy of the sensor and the overall performance of the system. This usually involves cleaning the sensor, signal correction, and communication testing with the control system.

Yoyik can offer many spare parts for power plants as below:
sensor SZ6-J08
Vibration Sensor VRT-2T
LVDT sensor 5000td-xc3
capacitive linear position sensor TDZ-1-150
hydraulic pressure transducer BPSN4KB25XFSP19
board ME8.530.014 V2_0
boiler leakage Sensor DZXL-VI
Gap Transmitter GJCFL-15
Motor management relay WDZ-5232
Magnetoresistive Rotation Speed Sensor CS-1 G-100-05-01
Signal modules – digital 6ES7223-1PH32-0XB0
Position switch 328A7435P001
Heater Element D-59mm,L-450mm
Measuring Probe DZJK-2-6-A1

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  • Post time: Jul-12-2024