
Predicting the Status of EH Oil Main Pump Suction Filter HQ25.300.11Z

Predicting the Status of EH Oil Main Pump Suction Filter HQ25.300.11Z

The steam turbine fire-resistant oil system uses specially designed fire-resistant oil as the medium. The system is not only responsible for lubrication, but also undertakes the task of transmitting hydraulic energy to ensure the precise control of the steam turbine regulation system. Among them, the main oil pump inlet filter element HQ25.300.11Z is used to intercept impurities in the oil and prevent them from entering the precision hydraulic components to ensure the cleanliness and stability of the system. However, as time goes by, the filter element will gradually accumulate impurities, affecting its filtering efficiency. Therefore, real-time monitoring and evaluation of the filter element status has become the focus of maintenance work. This article will discuss how to predict the status of the main oil pump inlet filter element HQ25.300.11Z by monitoring the key parameters of the fire-resistant oil system, such as pressure difference, flow rate, and oil temperature, and plan an effective preventive maintenance strategy accordingly.

EH Oil Main Pump Suction Filter HQ25.300.11Z

The pressure difference, that is, the difference in oil pressure before and after the filter element, is a direct indicator for evaluating the degree of filter element blockage. When the new filter element HQ25.300.11Z is installed, the pressure difference is low, but as impurities accumulate during the filtration process, the pressure difference gradually increases. Manufacturers usually set a maximum allowable differential pressure value. Once the monitored differential pressure approaches or exceeds this threshold, it means that the filter element is approaching the end of its service life and needs to be replaced. By regularly recording and analyzing the trend of differential pressure changes, the replacement time of the filter element can be accurately predicted to avoid system pressure loss or unstable operation caused by filter element blockage.


Flow is an indicator of the output capacity of the oil pump, which is directly related to the oil supply stability of the system. Filter element blockage will cause the oil circuit to be blocked, which in turn affects the actual flow. If a significant decrease is observed compared with the design flow, especially after eliminating the efficiency problem of the pump itself, it is highly suggestive that the filter element may be blocked. Regular flow monitoring and recording, compared with historical data, can help to detect flow anomalies early and provide a basis for the maintenance of the filter element HQ25.300.11Z.

EH Oil Main Pump Suction Filter HQ25.300.11Z

Although the oil temperature directly reflects the thermal state of the oil rather than the filter element state, it has an important impact on the operation of the entire system. High temperature may accelerate the degradation of oil products, increase viscosity, and indirectly increase the burden on the filter element HQ25.300.11Z; at the same time, abnormal temperature changes may also be a signal of partial filter blockage or cooling system failure. Therefore, although oil temperature monitoring is indirect, it is an indispensable part of the comprehensive assessment of the working environment of the filter element and the health status of the system.


Based on the comprehensive analysis of the above monitoring data, formulating a reasonable preventive maintenance plan is the key to maintaining efficient and stable operation of the system. This includes but is not limited to: planning the replacement cycle of the filter element HQ25.300.11Z in advance according to the pressure difference trend; timely adjusting maintenance measures through flow monitoring; and optimizing the performance of the cooling system in combination with oil temperature monitoring. In actual operation, it is also necessary to combine the recommended maintenance cycle of the equipment manufacturer and the on-site operation experience to continuously optimize the maintenance strategy to ensure that maintenance activities are both timely and cost-effective.

EH oil main pump suction filter HQ25.200.11Z (2)

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  • Post time: Jun-21-2024