
Gating controlled switch VS10N021C2: small electrical components for precision control

Gating controlled switch VS10N021C2: small electrical components for precision control

The Gating controlled switch VS10N021C2 is a small electrical switch, usually used in situations where precise control of current is required. The hinge lever micro switch, also known as the hinge lever type micro switch, is a switch that uses the principle of a lever to control the on and off of a circuit. It transmits force through a hinge lever (or rocker), and when external force acts on the hinge lever, the lever moves and triggers the on or off state of the switch.

Gating controlled switch VS10N021C2 (1)

Structural features of the Gating controlled switch VS10N021C2

1. Hinge lever: a small lever mechanism, usually made of metal, used to transmit force.

2. Contact points: metal contact points inside the switch, which close or open when the hinge lever moves, thereby controlling the circuit.

3. Spring: usually built into the switch to provide a restoring force to return the hinge lever to its original position.

4. Housing: a plastic or metal housing that protects internal components and provides a fixing point.


Working principle of Gating controlled switch VS10N021C2: When the user applies force to the hinge lever, the lever moves and pushes the internal mechanical structure, causing the contact point to close, thus completing the circuit connection. When the external force is removed, the spring force returns the hinge lever to its original position, the contact point is disconnected, and the circuit is disconnected.

Gating controlled switch VS10N021C2 (2)

Application areas of Gating controlled switch VS10N021C2

1. Household appliances: such as microwave ovens, washing machines, etc., used to control the opening and closing of equipment.

2. Industrial automation: In automation equipment, it is used to control the movement of robotic arms or other components.

3. Electronic devices: such as remote controls, game controllers, etc., for signal input.

4. Security systems: In alarm systems for security doors, windows, etc., it is used to detect the switch status.


Advantages of gating controlled switch VS10N021C2

- Miniaturization: small size, easy to integrate into compact space.

- Precise control: can provide precise switching action and reduce misoperation.

- Durability: Due to its simple mechanical structure, it usually has a long service life.

Gating controlled switch VS10N021C2 (3)

Gating controlled switch VS10N021C2 plays an important role in many electronic and electrical devices due to its small, precise and durable characteristics. When selecting and using, the most suitable model and specifications should be determined according to the specific application requirements and environmental conditions.

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  • Post time: Jun-28-2024