
Guide vane opening meter DYK-II-1013: making signal transmission smooth

Guide vane opening meter DYK-II-1013: making signal transmission smooth

Talking about the communication between the water turbine guide vane opening meter DYK-II-1013 and the control system, this is really not a simple matter. After all, it plays an important role in the daily operation of the hydropower station, ensuring that the opening of the turbine guide vane is accurate and correct, which directly affects the generation of electricity and the stability of the power grid. Next, let’s talk about how DYK-II-1013 communicates with the control system to make signal transmission smooth.

Governor Cabinet Frequency Meter SFB-4003 (4)

The guide vane opening meter DYK-II-1013 uses 4~20mA current signal as a communication means. The advantage of this signal is that it will not be affected by voltage drop even in long-distance transmission, and has strong anti-interference ability, which is particularly suitable for the complex environment of industrial sites. 4mA usually represents the minimum value, while 20mA corresponds to the maximum value. The middle value represents the specific proportion of the guide vane opening. The control system can adjust the opening and closing degree of the guide vane according to this signal.


Inside the guide vane opening meter DYK-II-1013, there is a precision sensor responsible for measuring the actual opening of the guide vane. The information collected by the sensor will be converted into a 4~20mA current signal through the built-in signal conversion circuit. This process seems simple, but it actually involves complex circuit design and algorithm processing to ensure the accuracy and stability of the signal.

Governor Cabinet Frequency Meter SFB-4003 (1)

On the DCS control system side of the turbine, it is usually equipped with a special input module for receiving 4~20mA signals. These modules convert the current signal into a digital signal for analysis and processing by the processor inside the control system. The processor calculates the actual opening of the guide vane based on the received signal and compares it with the preset value. If a deviation is found, an instruction will be issued to adjust the opening of the guide vane through the actuator until the target value is reached.


The guide vane opening meter DYK-II-1013 is not just a simple measuring tool, it is also equipped with an alarm and protection mechanism. When the guide vane opening deviates from the normal range or the sensor fails, the opening meter will trigger an alarm signal and output it to the control system through an independent circuit. In this way, the operator can detect problems in time and take measures to prevent potential accidents.


To facilitate operator monitoring and adjustment, the DYK-II-1013 is also equipped with an intuitive display that can display the percentage of the guide vane opening and other important parameters in real time. Through the buttons on the panel, the operator can set the alarm threshold, adjust the display mode, and even calibrate the sensor to ensure the accuracy of the measurement.

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The communication between the guide vane opening meter DYK-II-1013 and the control system is a complex process involving signal conversion, processing, transmission and reception. From sensor data acquisition to signal analysis and decision making in the control system, each step needs to be accurate to ensure the stability and safety of turbine operation.


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  • Post time: Jul-17-2024