
Long-Term Reliable Operation of LVDT Position Sensor TD-1-100S

Long-Term Reliable Operation of LVDT Position Sensor TD-1-100S

LVDT displacement sensor TD-1 100S, with its excellent performance characteristics, has become the preferred solution for monitoring the stroke and valve position of steam turbine actuators. It is widely used for precise measurement of the strokes of high-pressure cylinders, medium-pressure cylinders, and low-pressure cylinder actuators. Today we will introduce to you how to ensure that the displacement sensor can still maintain the high reliability of its measurement under harsh working conditions and ensure the stability and safety of the steam turbine operation.

LVDT Position Sensor TD-1 0-100 (3)

The LVDT displacement sensor TD-1 100S is based on the principle of differential inductance and realizes automatic monitoring and control of linear movement by converting mechanical displacement into electrical signals. Its design integrates many advantages such as small size, high measurement accuracy, stable performance, strong reliability, and long life. It is especially suitable for continuous operation of multiple steam turbine overhaul cycles in power plant environments with temperatures as high as 80°C to 120°C, without the need for Frequent replacement and maintenance greatly reduces operating costs and maintenance difficulty.


The first step to ensure the measurement reliability of the LVDT displacement sensor TD-1 100S is correct installation and initial settings. During installation, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer to ensure that the central axis of the sensor is accurately aligned with the motion trajectory of the object being measured, and to reduce measurement errors caused by deflection or inappropriate pressure. The selection of the installation location also needs to consider environmental factors to avoid the impact of high temperature sources, vibration sources and electromagnetic interference on the sensor.

TD series LVDT sensor (1)

Regular calibration and maintenance are key to maintaining measurement reliability. Establish a complete calibration system and use high-precision standard parts to regularly calibrate sensors to ensure the accuracy of their measurement values. Especially before and after steam turbine overhaul, strict calibration must be carried out to verify whether the performance of the sensor is still stable after long-term operation. At the same time, regularly check the electrical connection and mechanical structure of the sensor to promptly discover and solve potential problems, such as cable damage, shell rupture, etc., to prevent accidents.


Environmental control cannot be ignored. Although the displacement sensor TD-1 100S is designed for use in extreme environments, in actual applications, attention must still be paid to controlling the temperature, humidity and vibration of its working environment to avoid extreme conditions exceeding its design limits. Reasonable layout and appropriate heat insulation and shock absorption measures can effectively protect the sensor and extend its service life.

TD series LVDT sensor (3)

The processing of electrical signals is equally important. Ensure that all electrical connections are secure and intact to reduce loss and interference during signal transmission. Take effective shielding measures to reduce the impact of external electromagnetic interference on LVDT signals. At the same time, optimize the data acquisition and processing system, including the precise design of software algorithms, which can effectively filter out noise and improve the accuracy and reliability of data processing.


Personnel training is another link that cannot be ignored. Operation and maintenance personnel should receive comprehensive training, including the working principles of LVDT, installation and debugging skills, daily maintenance knowledge, and fault diagnosis and processing methods, to enhance the professionalism of the entire team and ensure rapid response and effective maintenance when encountering problems. .


By implementing comprehensive management measures, the role of the displacement sensor TD-1 100S in oil engine stroke and valve position monitoring can be maximized, providing strong support for the safe and efficient operation of the steam turbine, thereby ensuring the stable operation of the entire power system.
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  • Post time: May-28-2024