
LVDT position sensor TDZ-1-31: accurate measurement, stable control

LVDT position sensor TDZ-1-31: accurate measurement, stable control

LVDT position sensor TDZ-1-31 has the characteristics of good linearity and high repeatability. It is widely used in various industrial automation control systems, especially in the motion control of actuators.

The good linearity of LVDT position sensor TDZ-1-31 means that it can accurately feedback the real-time stroke to the DEH system throughout the movement of the actuator. Linearity is an indicator of the linear relationship between the output signal of the sensor and the measured physical quantity. The better the linearity, the higher the measurement accuracy of the sensor. In practical applications, the high linearity of TDZ-1-31 can ensure that every tiny movement of the actuator can be accurately captured, thereby providing accurate control signals for the DEH system and achieving precise displacement control.

LVDT Position Sensor TDZ-1-31(4)

In addition, the repeatability of LVDT Position Sensor TDZ-1-31 is also one of its outstanding features. When the actuator is turned on and off, the voltage value does not exceed 0.1VDC when passing the same displacement value, which can ensure that the actuator will not swing randomly during the adjustment process. Repeatability refers to the consistency of the output signal of the sensor when measuring the same physical quantity multiple times. The high repeatability of TDZ-1-31 ensures the stability and reliability of the measurement results, thereby improving the control accuracy and stability of the system.

In order to adapt to different working environments, the built-in cable of LVDT Position Sensor  TDZ-1-31 adopts a high-temperature sheath, which is very suitable for actuators with cylinder connection. This design can effectively prevent the cable from aging in high temperature environments, extend the service life of the sensor, and also improve the safety and reliability of the system.

LVDT Position Sensor TDZ-1-31 (2)

When installing LVDT Position Sensor TDZ-1-31, some installation requirements need to be followed to ensure its normal operation. First, the sensor needs to be installed vertically and maintain concentricity with the actuator, which can minimize the measurement error. Secondly, when routing, it is necessary to avoid high-voltage cables. If it is really impossible to bypass, the routing needs to be placed vertically with the high-voltage cables to prevent electromagnetic interference. Finally, the wiring from the displacement sensor LVDT adapter box to the DEH cabinet needs to be wired with a wire end. It is common to encounter abnormal valve control due to the lack of a wire end in the cable. Compliance with these installation requirements can ensure the stable operation of the sensor and the reliable control of the system.

LVDT Position Sensor TDZ-1-31 (1)

In short, the LVDT position sensor TDZ-1-31 plays an important role in industrial automation control systems with its high linearity, high repeatability, and high temperature resistant cable. Through precise position measurement and stable control, TDZ-1-31 not only improves production efficiency and product quality, but also brings higher economic benefits to the enterprise.

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  • Post time: Jul-01-2024