
Maintenance of Filter Element AX3E301-03D03V/-W in Different Operation Status

Maintenance of Filter Element AX3E301-03D03V/-W in Different Operation Status

The EH oil system of the steam turbine is an important component for controlling the speed regulation, protection and lubrication of the steam turbine. The performance of the recirculation pump inlet filter AX3E301-03D03V/-W directly affects the stability and reliability of the system. Especially during the start-up, shutdown and abnormal operation of the steam turbine, the working conditions faced by the filter element are more complex and changeable, which puts higher requirements on the maintenance strategy.

recirculation pump inlet filter AX3E301-03D03V/-W

At the beginning of the turbine start-up, the EH oil system begins to circulate, the oil temperature gradually rises, and the air dissolved in the oil is precipitated, which may carry tiny bubbles and impurities into the recirculation pump inlet filter element. At this time, the filter element needs to bear a large impurity load, especially at the beginning of the start-up when the system is not completely stable, and the oil may contain more mechanical wear particles generated during the start-up. Therefore, during the start-up phase, the status of the filter element AX3E301-03D03V/-W should be monitored more closely, and the pressure difference should be closely monitored. If necessary, the filter element should be cleaned or replaced in advance to avoid oil pressure fluctuations or slow system response caused by filter element blockage.


After entering stable operation, the working condition of the filter element AX3E301-03D03V/-W tends to be stable, and its main task is to continuously filter tiny impurities in the oil and maintain the cleanliness of the oil. At this time, the maintenance strategy should focus on regular inspection and preventive replacement. According to the pressure difference sensor data and oil analysis results, the saturation and working efficiency of the filter element should be evaluated, and maintenance should be carried out according to the predetermined maintenance plan to ensure that the filter element works stably within the designed service life and avoid sudden failures.

recirculation pump inlet filter AX3E301-03D03V/-W

When the turbine is shut down, the oil temperature gradually decreases, and some impurities in the oil may become easy to be captured due to condensation. In addition, the oil circulation rate decreases during the shutdown process, and the risk of impurity sedimentation and aggregation increases, which poses a challenge to the filtering capacity of the filter element AX3E301-03D03V/-W. In terms of maintenance strategy, a comprehensive oil circulation and filter element status inspection should be carried out before shutdown to ensure that the filter element will not fail prematurely due to the accumulation of impurities in the oil during the shutdown period. After shutdown, decide whether to clean or replace the filter element according to the length of shutdown time to avoid the degradation of filter element performance when restarting after a long shutdown.


In the face of abnormal operation of the turbine, such as increased vibration, sudden load change or abnormal oil temperature, the filter element may face additional challenges. Abnormal vibration may cause more wear particles in the system, and sudden load change may cause drastic changes in oil flow rate and pressure, posing a threat to the physical structure of the filter element. At this time, the monitoring frequency of the filter element status should be increased immediately, and emergency inspection or replacement should be carried out when necessary. At the same time, the root cause of the abnormality should be found and eliminated to prevent the filter element from becoming a chain reaction point of system failure.

recirculation pump inlet filter AX3E301-03D03V/-W

In view of the different working conditions in the above stages, the maintenance strategy should be flexibly adjusted and differentiated management should be implemented. Intelligent monitoring systems can be used to track key parameters such as filter element pressure difference and oil cleanliness in real time. Develop and implement a strict filter element maintenance plan, including regular cleaning, inspection and replacement. Establish a rapid response mechanism for abnormal conditions to ensure that filter element related problems are discovered and resolved as soon as possible.

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  • Post time: Jun-20-2024