
Ensure the rotational speed sensor ZS-03 obtains the most accurate reading

Ensure the rotational speed sensor ZS-03 obtains the most accurate reading

The rotational speed sensor ZS-03 plays a vital role in the precision control and monitoring system of the steam turbine. Its main task is to accurately measure the rotation speed of the steam turbine rotor and provide real-time data to the control system to ensure stable operation and efficient performance of the equipment. However, the size of the gap between the sensor and the rotor directly affects the accuracy and reliability of the measurement. Today we will introduce how to correctly set this gap to ensure that the ZS-03 sensor can provide the most accurate readings.

Rotation Speed Sensor ZS-03 (6)

Understanding the working principle of the ZS-03 speed sensor

First, we need to understand the basic working principle of the ZS-03 sensor. This type of sensor is usually based on the principle of electromagnetic induction and calculates the speed by detecting metal marks or gears on the rotor. When the rotor rotates, the mark or gear passes through the sensor probe, generating a change in the magnetic field, which in turn generates an induced current. The frequency of this current is proportional to the speed, so by measuring the current frequency, the speed can be calculated.


Why is the gap size so important?

If the gap between the sensor and the rotor is too small, the sensor probe may come into physical contact with the rotor, causing damage or unstable readings; if the gap is too large, the magnetic field change may be weakened, thereby reducing the amplitude of the induced current and affecting the accuracy of the speed measurement. Therefore, proper clearance is key to ensure that the ZS-03 sensor accurately measures speed.

Rotation Speed Sensor ZS-03 (7)

Steps to set proper clearance

First, follow the sensor manual to understand the recommended minimum and maximum clearance values. This information is determined based on the characteristics of the sensor and the optimal performance range.

Use special tools: Use a gap gauge, feeler gauge or other special tools to measure the distance between the sensor probe and the rotor. These tools are usually highly accurate and can help to accurately adjust the clearance.

Perform initial installation: Initially fix the sensor in the predetermined position, but do not tighten it completely to facilitate subsequent adjustments.

Gradually adjust: By gradually increasing or decreasing the thickness of the shim, or fine-tuning the position of the sensor bracket, until the ideal clearance value is reached. During the adjustment process, the clearance should be measured repeatedly to ensure that it meets the requirements.

Test and verify: After completing the adjustment, perform a test run of the sensor and observe the stability and consistency of the readings. If the readings are jumping or unstable, the clearance may need to be readjusted.

Regular inspection and maintenance: Even if the proper clearance is set during the initial installation, regular inspections should be performed, especially after the turbine undergoes repair or overhaul. Over time, thermal expansion, wear or vibration can affect the clearance, so regular maintenance is essential to maintain measurement accuracy.

Reverse Rotation Speed Sensor CS-3F (3)

Ensuring proper clearance between the speed sensor ZS-03 and the turbine rotor is a task that requires careful operation and expertise. Following the above steps, combined with the manufacturer’s guidance and practical experience, can effectively improve the sensor’s measurement accuracy, thus providing a solid foundation for stable operation and performance optimization of the turbine. Through continuous monitoring and maintenance, we can maximize the effectiveness of the ZS-03 sensor and ensure the long-term reliable operation of the turbine.


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  • Post time: Jul-09-2024