
TSI Preamplifier CON021/916-240 Compatible with Multiple Signal Sources

TSI Preamplifier CON021/916-240 Compatible with Multiple Signal Sources

When it comes to the application of the preamplifier CON021/916-240 in the steam turbine TSI system, this is indeed a topic worth exploring in depth. As a professional-grade preamplifier, the strength of CON021/916-240 lies in its compatibility with various types of sensor inputs to ensure accurate signal amplification and transmission. Next, let’s talk about how it does it and how to configure it according to different signal sources.

CWY-DO series Eddy current sensor (2)

CON021/916-240: King of Compatibility

The original intention of the design of the CON021/916-240 preamplifier is to adapt to a variety of sensors in the TSI system, including eddy current sensors, speed sensors, vibration sensors, etc. When these sensors detect parameters such as vibration, displacement, and speed of steam turbines, the output signals may vary greatly, some are weak voltage signals, and some are changing currents. The task of CON021/916-240 is to uniformly amplify and convert these signals to make them suitable for subsequent signal processing and analysis.


Configuration flexibility: adapt to different signal sources

In order to match different types of sensors, CON021/916-240 provides a wealth of configuration options. It allows users to set parameters such as input impedance, gain, and filter characteristics to ensure that the preamplifier can extract the useful information of the signal to the maximum extent while suppressing noise and interference.

Eddy Curent Sensor DWQZ Serise (3)

The type of sensor determines its output impedance, and the input impedance of the preamplifier needs to match it to avoid signal loss. For eddy current sensors with low output impedance, CON021/916-240 can set a higher input impedance to ensure complete signal transmission. The output signal amplitude of different sensors may vary greatly. CON021/916-240 provides an adjustable gain setting, allowing users to adjust the signal amplification factor according to actual conditions. This step is crucial to adjust the signal to a range suitable for subsequent processing.


Sensor signals are often mixed with noise. In order to ensure the purity of the signal, CON021/916-240 has a built-in configurable filter. Users can select appropriate bandpass, lowpass or highpass filters according to the signal frequency characteristics to remove unnecessary frequency components and retain only useful signals.


To configure CON021/916-240 to match different signal sources, you need to follow these steps:

  • Identify the sensor type: First, you need to identify the type of sensor used and the characteristics of its output signal.
  • Consult the technical manual: The technical manual of each sensor provides recommended preamplifier configuration parameters, which is the starting point for configuration.
  • Adjust the input impedance: According to the output impedance of the sensor, adjust the input impedance of the preamplifier to ensure the efficiency of signal transmission.
  • Set the gain: According to the amplitude of the sensor output signal, adjust the gain of the preamplifier so that the signal is in the optimal range in the subsequent processing link.
  • Configure the filter: According to the frequency characteristics of the signal, select the appropriate filter setting to remove unnecessary noise and interference.
  • Test and calibration: After the configuration is completed, the output signal of the preamplifier needs to be tested to ensure that the signal quality and accuracy meet the requirements. If necessary, fine-tune to optimize performance.

CWY-DO series Eddy current sensor (4)
The application of CON021/916-240 preamplifier in TSI system reflects the high requirements of modern industrial automation for signal processing. Through flexible configuration, it can seamlessly connect various types of sensors, ensure accurate amplification and transmission of signals, and provide strong support for turbine condition monitoring and fault diagnosis.
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  • Post time: Jul-16-2024