
Turbine Actuator Displacement Sensor TDZ-1E-05: Measurement Between Millimeters

Turbine Actuator Displacement Sensor TDZ-1E-05: Measurement Between Millimeters

The actuator displacement sensor TDZ-1E-05 is a walking ruler in the steam turbine control system, which is responsible for high-precision linear displacement measurement. Today, let’s talk about how the TDZ-1E-05 sensor can use its ultra-high precision to clearly capture every tiny movement of the actuator in the steam turbine.

LVDT Position Sensor 4000TD (3)

The heart of the TDZ-1E-05 sensor is an LVDT, which is a linear variable differential transformer. The power of this thing is that it can convert physical displacement into electrical signals, and the conversion process is almost perfect with extremely high linearity. The measurement range of TDZ-1E-05 is large, and the accuracy is also terrifyingly high, which can reach within 0.1% of the full scale. In other words, if its measurement stroke is 50mm, the measurement error is at most 0.05mm, which is already a top-notch accuracy in the field of industrial measurement.


Linearity, in simple terms, is how straight the relationship between the measured value and the true value is. In this regard, the TDZ-1E-05 sensor is just like a ruler. No matter how large the actuator stroke is, the measured value is in a straight line with the true value, with almost no deviation. This linearity allows the TDZ-1E-05 to give accurate results at any measurement point, ensuring that the turbine control system can grasp the position of the actuator as clearly as looking at the palm of your hand.

LVDT displacement Sensor 2000TD (3)

The resolution of the TDZ-1E-05 is the smallest displacement change it can distinguish. The resolution of this sensor is extremely high, reaching the micron level, which means that even the smallest fluctuation in the actuator stroke can be captured by the TDZ-1E-05, as sharp as an eagle’s eyes. This insight into the microscopic world is simply a great help for equipment such as steam turbines that require fine control, ensuring that every adjustment can be accurate.


The working environment of steam turbines is complex and the temperature changes greatly. However, the temperature compensation circuit is designed inside the TDZ-1E-05 sensor, which can automatically adjust the measurement signal to eliminate the impact of temperature changes. This means that no matter it is winter or summer, TDZ-1E-05 can maintain stable performance, just like a warrior who is not afraid of cold or heat, always sticking to his post to ensure that the measurement results are not disturbed by ambient temperature fluctuations.

TDZ-1E LVDT position sensor (4)

TDZ-1E-05 sensor, with its high-precision linear displacement measurement ability, plays an irreplaceable role in the turbine control system. Whether it is a contest between millimeters, linearity like a ruler, or insight into the microscopic world, TDZ-1E-05 guards every action of the turbine in its unique way, ensuring that the entire system runs efficiently and safely.
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  • Post time: Jul-19-2024