
Turbine speed Sensor for ETS SMCB-02: high precision, anti-interference

Turbine speed Sensor for ETS SMCB-02: high precision, anti-interference

The Turbine speed Sensor for ETS SMCB-02 uses SMR sensitive elements, which have the characteristics of wide frequency response, good stability, and strong anti-interference ability. Its steel material magnetic conductor triggers, built-in amplification and shaping circuit, outputs a square wave with stable amplitude, realizes long-distance transmission, and provides a reliable speed measurement solution for my country’s industrial production.

Turbine speed Sensor for ETS SMCB-02 (2)

Product features

1. Wide frequency response: The Turbine speed Sensor for ETS SMCB-02 can accurately measure in a wide frequency range, adapt to various speed changes, and meet the needs of different working conditions.

2. Good stability: The use of high-performance SMR sensitive elements ensures the stability of the sensor during long-term operation and reduces measurement errors.

3. Strong anti-interference ability: Thanks to the built-in amplification and shaping circuit, SMCB-02 can still maintain good anti-interference performance in complex environments, ensuring accurate and reliable measurement data.

4. Output square wave with stable amplitude: The square wave signal output by SMCB-02 has a stable amplitude, which is convenient for subsequent signal processing and improves measurement accuracy.

5. Long-distance transmission: The output signal of the sensor can be transmitted over long distances, which is convenient for users to measure in harsh environments.

Turbine speed Sensor for ETS SMCB-02(1)

Application fields

1. Speed ​​measurement: Turbine speed Sensor for ETS SMCB-02 can be widely used in the speed measurement of various rotating equipment, providing real-time data for equipment operation status monitoring.

2. Angular displacement measurement: By measuring angular displacement, SMCB-02 can be applied to precision positioning, servo control and other fields.

3. Equipment operation direction monitoring: SMCB-02 is a dual-channel speed sensor, equipped with a keyway or gear, which can output two phase-differenced square wave signals with stable amplitude. Used in conjunction with the reverse speed meter, it can form an equipment operation direction monitoring system.

4. Direction determination function: SMCB-02 has a common direction determination function, which can distinguish the movement direction of gears and racks, and provide strong support for automated production lines.

In short, the Turbine speed Sensor for ETS SMCB-02 plays an important role in my country’s industrial production with its excellent performance. With the continuous advancement of sensor technology, I believe that SMCB-02 will demonstrate its strong strength in more fields and contribute to the development of my country’s industry.

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  • Post time: Aug-02-2024